Tag: IBC Tote (Page 2 of 2)

June 2015 – Content Roll Up

V__1E82I am very impressed at how much activity this blog has received. From starting as a way to tell the world what I do to the guest writers and some very in depth articles, I like where things are going. There is a Facebook page with status updates and photos from the road and I’m trying to get a Twitter handle going as well.

Lots of interest from the community – its a good thing Recycled Water is a hot topic, especially during this California Drought.

Hauling 275 gallons of Recycled Water with an IBC Tote

I bought a house last year that I share with my girlfriend and dog. Like any guy that is mechanical in nature I would much rather be outside working in the yard than being couped up inside playing on the computer. With the California drought, I took an interest in hauling RecycledH2O as I drive a massive truck and have a thirsty lawn and yard. Here is my story.

WP_20150417_005-1I drive a Ford F350 which can support over 2600 lbs in the truck bed. I tried the 150 gallon bladder option but would much rather transport more water per trip as my truck can handle the load. I wanted to haul more water, so I found a 275 gallon IBC tote on Craigslist for a little more than $100. It worked perfectly for my needs.

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