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DSRSD Plans To Reopen Dublin Fill Station



The Dublin San Ramon Services District, which operates a recycled water fill station at their treatment plant in Pleasanton, plans to reopen their Dublin fill station at the Dublin Safety Complex on Wednesday, June 1st, 2016. Nearly 3,600 residents of the Tri-valley and Dougherty Valley area took advantage of the fill station last summer as mandatory water conservation measures were in effect. Recycled water is a great resource for landscape irrigation and many homeowners were amazed at bright green lawns and “six foot tall tomato plants.”

DSRSD ran a survey last fall and learned that “55% of users would continue to haul if drought restrictions ended.” The top occupations of their users are Retired people and Construction workers.

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April 2016 – Content Roll-up

RecycledH2O born April 9, 2015

RecycledH2O born April 9, 2015

When I first started this blog, I just wanted to get information about residential recycled water fill stations out in the public. Little did I know it would grow and expand into a name in the industry. In the past year I’ve written over 100 articles, been mentioned by name in five articles that have reached millions internationally. I’ve met people across the state, country and world – we all share the same passion. Water.

April 9th, 2016 marked our one year anniversary.

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Its all about perspective

Drinking water supply for millions of Americans. Credit:

Drinking water supply for millions of Americans.

I just spent 3 days at the California Water Environment Association Annual Conference in Santa Clara, California, and came back with a new perspective on the world of recycled water. This perspective is worth sharing with you.


Direct Potable Reuse

Direct Potable Reuse is a process where recycled water is treated using Full Advanced Treatment (FAT) technologies (the same ones used to create bottled water from sea water), the end product is cleaner than anything on the planet. This water is so pure that it could be used as a drinking water supply – but alas there isn’t any state regulations that allow for it to happen. That regulation is coming, just wait a few more months.

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Statewide Fill Station Status

You’ve seen our map and you know we track Residential Recycled Water Fill Stations in the state of California. But did you know there are many that closed this winter that plan to re-open this summer?

I’ve spent the past few days calling each one and have great news! Most of your favorite fill stations have decided to turn the taps back on and will be opening or expanding their hours starting in May 2016. Which fill stations are they? Read on for details.

Updated 4/22/16: Delta Diablo to re-open on April 30, 2016 @ 9:00AM

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Recycled Water Hauling Essentials

You’ve seen the headlines “Winter Snowpack won’t end California Drought“, and maybe you’ve seen the water conservation tables for 2016. Despite a strong El Niño that filled our reservoirs and gave us a great ski season, we’re right back to where we were last summer.

By Governor Jerry Brown’s standard, we’re still in a drought, you still have to reduce your at home water usage. So what options do you have?

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March 2016 – Content Roll-up

Credit: Joshua Burman Thayer

Credit: Joshua Burman Thayer

Spring has sprung and so has the number of articles. We’re in the process of changing over from rainwater harvesting to recycled water hauling. The California drought has shown signs of fading in area’s of low population, but it is still severe to exceptional in the rest of the state. El Niño rains have helped, but as reservoirs are full – we’re still faced with mandatory water conservation.

This past month we focused a lot on rain and its resources for us as home owners. Read on to see a re-cap of this past months articles, top twitter tweets and Facebook posts.

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Winter Rains Didn’t Stop NorCal Recycled Water Haulers

Source: RecycledH2O Fill Station Tracker

Despite receiving more than 13″ of rain in March 2016, the top 3 Residential Recycled Water Fill Stations in Northern California gave away a combined total volume of 355,308 gallons of recycled water to residential customers. Per SWRCB permit requirements, recycled water can not be distributed while it is raining.

When compared to last year, the residential recycled water fill station at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) was still in its infancy. They had 39 registered users and gave away 16,103 gallons. Today, they have over 2100 registered users and have given away more than 11.8 million gallons of water.

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OPINION: Declare Drought Over – with a catch

CA Drought Monitor. Credit: @NOAA

CA Drought Monitor. Credit: @NOAA

Dear California Governor Jerry Brown,

As we await your decision to end the drought or lower its severity as reservoirs in Northern California are nearing full capacity and the Sierra Nevada shows signs of an ample snow pack; I come with an idea to appeal to your senses.

My recommendation:

Declare the drought is over if a homeowner doesn’t have grass in front yard.

If a homeowner has grass, drought rules and its current fees/fines will continue.

What determines grass? Lawn, in the most common sense of the word. A field of weeds doesn’t count.

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Residential Recycled Water Fill Station – Spring 2016 Update

As El Niño begins to wane and the California Governor begins to re-think his drought limitations for this spring (they were reduced from 25% to 20% this winter and may be reduced further for this summer), we find ourselves asking area residential recycled water fill stations what they have been up to. This post is to share some of those findings.

Ironhouse Sanitary District

If you follow them on Facebook, you’ll know they’ve been “up-sizing their pipelines [to their fill station] to accommodate more flow,” said General Manager Chad Davisson in a recent Facebook post. As of March 23rd, Ironhouse should have opened back up, ready for business.

As echoed on our “Where to get Recycled Water” page, their hours are Monday & Wednesday – 11:00AM to 5:00PM and Saturday 8:00AM to 2:00PM.

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