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Tips & Tricks to Unload Recycled Water More Efficiently

There has been immense activity surrounding hauling recycled water. The lines at recycled water fill stations are long (with more hose bibs/fill stations coming online often), everywhere you look in the are people are driving around with 300 gallon totes in their trucks and/or trailers and demand for pumps at Harbor Freight is high.

So why not take this as a chance to update you on the changes I’ve made with my recycled water hauling setup and share some of the Tips & Tricks I have learned.

11,500 gallons Recycled Water Hauled

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Congressman McNerney Calls on Congress to Authorize Regional Water Recycling Projects

7/03/2015: Updated to include news report from KTVU

Congressman Jerry McNerney may represent parts of East Contra Costa County and Stockton, but he sure took to heart the need for recycled water treatment plants in the area that need funding to expand. In a press release published today, Jerry called upon Congress to authorize funding for Regional Water Recycling Projects from Yountville to Fresno and Redwood City to  Oakley with everything in between.

I’m calling on Congress and introducing legislation to authorize more regional water projects – because expanding water recycling is one component of a comprehensive solution needed to address California’s long-term drought challenges. In this extreme drought, California communities a struggling to conserve the limited water available. That’s why it’s important to continue investing in water recycling technologies that treat wastewater and augment current supplies.  Funding these projects creates additional water supplies available to ease pressure off the Delta, irrigate public spaces, grow crops, increase the potable water supply, and support environmental restoration. Jerry McNerney – Representative of California’s 9th District

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Danville Resident Hauls Recycled Water to Keep Backyard Paradise Thriving During Drought

Hauling water may not be cost effective for you, but considering replacement costs of large gardens it may be worth it.

“I can’t go over the water allotment without them restricting flow. Look at the cost of letting everything die and then replacing it. That’s the driving force. We were bone dry.” – Chris Rossiter

A year ago, Danville resident Chris Rossiter received a $900 water bill. His 6/10ths acre property has a large swimming pool, grass in front and back and his wife is a “plant junkie”. He had used nearly 2,120 gallons per day to keep his backyard paradise thriving.

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Plumbing Recycled Water to on-site Irrigation – What you need to know – it is ILLEGAL to do it!

Recycled water has been made freely available and now you’re spending time to drive to a fill station, load it up into your container and take it home. Once there you hook up your pump and hoses and hand water it all over your yard. This all takes a lot of time.

Thinking of a way to be more efficient you might assume that plumbing it to the irrigation system is a genius idea. If only.

Free recycled water may be perfect for use on your lawn, but delivery through your clean drinking water irrigation pipes is not. There are some severe implications with relation to public health and the environment that you need to know first. Endangering public health and the environment could kill these free recycled water programs for everyone. Continue reading

CCCSD Fill Station Routes Traffic Along New Route

Click for full size.

Due to heavy traffic volumes at the Recycled Water Fill Station at the Household Hazardous Wastes facility at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a new traffic pattern has been implemented to better serve the community.

Visitors to the fill station are to enter through the gate near the intersection of Imhoff Drive and Blum Road. Drive south along the frontage road and turn left on to Imhoff Place near the CCCSD Headquarters Office Building and visitor parking lots. Then drive north down Imhoff Place, on the left as depicted by the cones to the Recycled Water fill station area.

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Why is there a 300 gallon limit on Recycled Water?

300 gallon IBC tote filling in the back of a work truck.

This question has plagued me for a months and something I always wondered. Why is there a 300 gallon limit at a Free Recycled Water Fill Station?

Is it because most IBC totes are 275-300 gallons? Not quite.

Is it because its written in Title 22 of the Recycled Water regulation? Good luck reading 86 pages, you won’t find it there.

Is it because any volume more and you should get a water meter for the truck hydrant fill program? Nope!

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Recycled Water Helps Maintain Curb Appeal

A brown lawn in front of a million dollar house is unappealing when it comes to potential home buyers. It comes with a sense that if the lawn is brown, what else in the house isn’t being cared for. And that kind of sentiment drives down home values.

Recycled Water, with its richness of fertilizer infused water can help you or your neighbors maintain curb appeal, especially in a drought. If you already haul recycled water, now is the time to spread the wealth to your neighbors and help them by watering their front yard while you water yours.

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It Rained! – June 10, 2015

Unless your blinds were closed and you never went outside today, the SF Bay Area received “measurable rainfall” today. I say that in quotes because the Governor of California considers that important when it comes to running your sprinklers.

In addition to the existing restrictions that prohibit:
  • Irrigating outdoors during and within 48 hours following measurable rainfall

You see, as a part of his mandate, if you run your sprinklers within 48 hours after any measurable rainfall, that is a violation and you could be reported  for violating “prohibited” watering. Violators are subject to $500 fines or suspension of water service. Severe yes, but a perfect time to report your enemies. Search for “water wasters” for their local water company.

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June 2015 – Content Roll Up

V__1E82I am very impressed at how much activity this blog has received. From starting as a way to tell the world what I do to the guest writers and some very in depth articles, I like where things are going. There is a Facebook page with status updates and photos from the road and I’m trying to get a Twitter handle going as well.

Lots of interest from the community – its a good thing Recycled Water is a hot topic, especially during this California Drought.

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