Category: Water Waster

MLB: Recycled water MIA at California Stadiums

How much water is needed for this field?

Have you ever wondered how much grass is at a Major League Baseball stadium? We did and found the answer.

The average professional baseball field will use around 100,000 square feet of turf (~2.25 acres), which will need approximately 62,500* gallons of water per week (under normal watering schedule of 1″/week). This is equivalent to the amount of water 89 homes will use in the same amount of time.

Can we justify using drinking water to irrigate grass for our national pastime?

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Thinking of Re-Landscaping – Consider Using Mulch

flowerbed-with-mulchThinking of re-landscaping? Use mulch to cover bare spots on the ground.

Mulch does so much for the ground besides just making it look good. Mulch keeps moisture in, by limiting evaporation. Mulch breaks down and provides nutrients for the soil, which plants use to grow. Decomposed mulch can help the soil retain moisture as a water storage medium and its all natural.

Lots of people with clay soils want to add as much mulch as they can to help improve the quality of their soil. Compost helps too.

Mulch can be found in many different varieties – Home Depot has a vast assortment of mulch available – the best kind is free from the back of a tree trimming truck. Many tree trimming companies will be willing to leave 5-10 yards of wood chips on your driveway at the end of their day – just make sure you have the means to move it.

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How Much Water Does My Lawn Need?

I had a lawn in my front yard. Emphasis on “had”. I took it out after realizing how much water it needed.

Grab a tape measure and measure your lawn. Start at one end and lay the tap measure down, if you run out of tape measure, stop in that spot, coil up the tape and start measuring again from that spot. Then add all the lengths together for that run. Then measure perpendicular from the run you just had so you end with a final Length x Width. Multiply the two numbers together to get your lawn area.

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