Category: Water Resource Recovery Facilities

Water Resource Recovery Facility – City of Brentwood

City of Brentwood

City of Brentwood

This is the second part to our series “Meet the Agency Behind The Fill Station – City of Brentwood.”

Water Resource Recovery Facilities are the future and the City of Brentwood has been on the scene since their new facility was built in 2003. There is more to this agency than what any recycled water hauler sees when they drive through the fill station. I received an exclusive tour with Wastewater Operations Manager Casey Wichert and was very impressed with their streamlined processes, making them an excellent example agency for others to follow.

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Meet the agency behind the fill station – City of Brentwood

275 gallon tote in an Ford F150.

275 gallon tote in an Ford F150.

The City of Brentwood has a love affair with recycled water. Driving into town it became obvious why such a small treatment plant has given away so much water. Nearly every capable vehicle is either hauling a tote or towing a trailer with a recycled water tank on it. At every stoplight, driving by the gas station, in front of the local Ace Hardware, it seems like everyone hauls recycled water, an impressive feat considering less than 3% of the population does it.

For its one year anniversary, Casey Wichert, Wastewater Operations Manager at the City of Brentwood, invited me to tour their Residential Recycled Water Fill Station and Water Resource Recovery Facility.

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Water Resource Recovery Leader: Delta Diablo

What does it take to be a Water Resource Recovery leader? Easy, first recover as much water from wastewater influent, second utilizing the resources in the waste to do something sustainable, third recover power used by some renewable process, and fourth, be a leader while doing so.

Who comes to mind when this applied? Delta Diablo.

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Its all about perspective

Drinking water supply for millions of Americans. Credit:

Drinking water supply for millions of Americans.

I just spent 3 days at the California Water Environment Association Annual Conference in Santa Clara, California, and came back with a new perspective on the world of recycled water. This perspective is worth sharing with you.


Direct Potable Reuse

Direct Potable Reuse is a process where recycled water is treated using Full Advanced Treatment (FAT) technologies (the same ones used to create bottled water from sea water), the end product is cleaner than anything on the planet. This water is so pure that it could be used as a drinking water supply – but alas there isn’t any state regulations that allow for it to happen. That regulation is coming, just wait a few more months.

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Water Resource Recovery Facilities – #WRRF

What if I told you there is a resource that is wasted by the billions every day. Society has already built the infrastructure that can stop this waste, we but don’t call them by their correct name. Society refers to them as Waste Water Treatment Plants – WWTP’s for short. However, there is a call from inside the industry to change that name – into something more appropriate for what it does – Water Resource Recovery Facilities or WRRF’s.

Think of this as the eye opening experience the trash companies had when they realized how to recycle glass, plastic and green waste from their trash stream. Its happening now with wastewater.

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