Category: At Home (Page 5 of 6)

Tolerance of landscape GRASS to species to Recycled Water spray

As previously noted in “What Impact Does Recycled Water Have On Plants In The Garden” this is the fifth set in a series of data as provided from the UC Davis Report on “Landscape Plant Selection Guide For Recycled Water Irrigation“.

For this table, grasses are listed in 4 columns. The first is its Botanical Name, second column is Common Name, third column is its tolerance to salt spray and fourth column is its tolerance to soil salinity.

Plants were watered with spray irrigation from recycled water. The big take-away with this list is almost all grasses can handle recycled water and thrive in its environment.

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Tolerance of landscape GROUNDCOVER and VINE species to Recycled Water Spray

As previously noted in “What Impact Does Recycled Water Have On Plants In The Garden” this is the fourth in a series of data as provided from the UC Davis Report on “Landscape Plant Selection Guide For Recycled Water Irrigation“.

For this table, ground covers and vines are listed in 4 columns. The first is its Botanical Name, second column is Common Name, third column is its tolerance to salt spray and fourth column is its tolerance to soil salinity.

Plants were watered with spray irrigation from recycled water. The big take-away with this list is almost most ground covers and vines can handle RecycledH2O and thrive in its environment.

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Tolerance of landscape SHRUB species to Recycled Water Spray

As previously noted in “What Impact Does Recycled Water Have On Plants In The Garden” this is the third in a series of data as provided from the UC Davis Report on “Landscape Plant Selection Guide For Recycled Water Irrigation“.

For this table, shrubs are listed in 4 columns. The first is its Botanical Name, second column is Common Name, third column is its tolerance to salt spray and fourth column is its tolerance to soil salinity.

Plants were watered with spray irrigation from recycled water. The big take-away with this list is some shrubs can handle RecycledH2O and thrive in its environment.

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Front Yard Re-Landscaping

Frontyard-designI follow a page on Facebook called “Grow Food Not Lawns“, they are HUGE advocates for getting rid of the water hog called a lawn and planting it with something more beneficial to the homeowner. I have never been very interested in lawns as they require a lot of water, upkeep and I find them a rather large waste of space.

The water district in my area offered a “Lawn to Garden Rebate Program” which would pay up to $1,000 for homeowners or $10,000 for commercial, municipal or HOA’s. Basically $1 per square foot of lawn removed.

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Tolerance of landscape PALM species to Recycled Water Spray

As previously noted in “What Impact Does Recycled Water Have On Plants In The Garden” this is the second in a series of data as provided from the UC Davis Report on “Landscape Plant Selection Guide For Recycled Water Irrigation“.

For this table, palms are listed in 4 columns. The first is its Botanical Name, second column is Common Name, third column is its tolerance to salt spray and fourth column is its tolerance to soil salinity.

Plants were watered with spray irrigation from recycled water. The big take-away with this list is almost all palms can handle RecycledH2O and thrive in its environment.

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Tolerance of landscape TREE species to Recycled Water Spray

As previously noted in “What Impact Does Recycled Water Have On Plants In The Garden” this is the first in a series of data as provided from the UC Davis Report on “Landscape Plant Selection Guide For Recycled Water Irrigation“.

For this massive table, plants are listed in 4 columns. The first is its Botanical Name, second column is Common Name, third column is its tolerance to salt spray and fourth column is its tolerance to soil salinity.

Plants were watered with spray irrigation from recycled water.

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What impact does RecycledH2O have on plants in the garden?

What is in recycled water?

The process to create recycled water begins at the end of a wastewater treatment plant. Think of its source as water suitable for the receiving waterway. Depending on how it’s treated – recycled water will be dosed with some Sodium Hypochlorite (NaCl) [I’ll call it Chlorine] – used as a disinfectant.

The recycled water permit issued by the state dictates how much residual Chlorine is in the water – Title 22 is that permit if you want some bedtime reading –

At every recycled water treatment facility, they are required continually test their recycled water Chlorine residual levels 24 hours a day and store the results.

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Adventures at CCCSD Residential Fill Station

Earlier this week I posted Step-by-Step – Getting and Unloading RecycledH2O from CCCSD Residential Fill Station. This is a follow-up in regards to the Adventures at CCCSD Residential Fill Station.

When the fill station first opened in November 2014, they didn’t have much activity. In December it rained cats and dogs and flooded parts of Sausalito. Same for January. Soon word got out and the onslaught of Free Recycled Water hungry residents descended on the Residential Fill Station at CCCSD in Martinez. CentralSan had a need to promote their fill station – its usage is apart of their 2014-2016 Strategic Plan.

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Step-by-Step – Getting and Unloading RecycledH2O from CCCSD Residential Fill Station

I wrote my first post on Getting Started with RecycledH2O rather quickly and realized I may have left things out. I hope with this post it clarifies things a little.

My truck bed supports ~ 1200 lbs which is about 143 gallons of water (1200lbs divided by 8.34 lbs/gallon =143 gallons). I bought a 150 gallon tank that fits in the back of my truck. Larger trucks could support more weight, smaller vehicles hold less. It all depends on how much water you need and what is your application.

Things You Will Need (in no particular order)

  • Vehicle to transport water with – a gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs
  • Tank to hold water in – should have a screw on cap/lid
  • Hose connection to unload tank
  • Pump (or gravity fed)
  • Discharge hose/piping to water yard or fill on site tank

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What Can I Do – I Rent A House

A co-worker of mine is looking for a house to rent and it brought my mind back to the days when I was a landlord. I barely made enough off rent to pay the mortgage and insurance, let alone upgrade or fix anything… but that is a topic that won’t be discussed on this blog. Whether you’re a landlord or a renter, this topic fits both of you.Drought Map - April 14, 2015

As a landlord you’re looking at your bottom line, but you may not particularly care if your tenant pays the water bill. You may care if its included in rent.

As a renter, you might pay your water bill and know your usage or be oblivious to it as its covered in your rental agreement. Unfortunately you may be a breed of person that might not know that California is even in a drought. So really anything you do now will help.

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