

We’re changing things up this time around, the last two articles got ridiculously long – but they were full of tons of important information. This time around, we’re doing a little social media campaign, each agency will be tagged with their data on Facebook and Twitter (if applicable). Like, comment, follow and share the posts with your friends.

Every gallon of recycled water hauled saves a gallon of drinking water. If you haven’t taken the plunge, now is great time to do so. Pro tip: California is still experiencing a drought, do something about it!

I reached out to every residential recycled water fill station in California, 27 in total (DSRSD operates two locations, so really 26), here is the data from those that have responded.

The Big Chart! (Click for full size)

The chart above shows fill station stats from July 2015 versus July 2016. Data comparison occurred via gallons given away and new users registered. There are notes to the right which pertain to the information provided. Lets highlight a few agencies.

North Coast County Water District (NCCWD)



First time data supplier but long time residential recycled water fill station operator, North Coast County Water District in Pacifica, California shared their data with the blog. NCCWD first opened their recycled water fill station on Wednesday September 30th, 2015.

In the 322 days the program has been in existence, 12,000 gallons has been hauled by 26 registered users. The maximum volume that may be hauled is 100 gallons per trip.

Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD)

Rosalie Gallagher fills her recycled water tank. Credit:

Rosalie Gallagher fills her recycled water tank. Credit:

On Thursday, June 12, 2014 the residential recycled water fill station phenomenon became a thing. Dublin San Ramon Services District started it all, you wouldn’t be reading this if Rosalie Gallagher hadn’t told her husband Dan (then Operations Manager, now retired) to find a way to make recycled water available for residents to haul so the lawn could be saved. We owe all of this to them. Thank you.

Because this blog didn’t start until April 2015, data is sparse in the beginning, I’ve done my best to scrape their Facebook page and numerous articles, but I have a huge gap between Halloween 2014 and July 31, 2015. Because of that, the chart shows 9.53 million gallons given away in 1 month – not entirely accurate. By comparison, 3.56 million gallons were given away in July 2016.

The encouraging data point I do want to mention, DSRSD signed up 153 new users in July 2016.

In the past 781 days, 35,123,000 gallons have been hauled away by 3,858 registered users. This is the most of any other agency in California. The most in terms of gallons hauled and registered users.

City of Redwood City



The City of Redwood City started their residential recycled water fill station program early on, in June 2015. In the first year, 437,000 gallons of recycled water was given away at the mobile fill station on the west side of highway 101.

This summer the fill station moved to a new location at 601 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood City, CA, 94063. In this new spot, they gave away 67,165 gallons in July to 37 registered users. Two of those registered users run the blog Walking Redwood City.

To date, the fill station has given away 524,609 gallons recycled water to 37 registered users.

“Please keep in mind that the fill station has only been open since the beginning of July and it closes in September, when the rainy season begins,” wrote Alexandria Kenyon, Communications & Marketing Multimedia Analyst, City Managers Office wrote in an email to

City of Brentwood

City of Brentwood Fill Station

City of Brentwood Fill Station

The residential recycled water fill station program at the City of Brentwood started on Tuesday June 16th, 2015. During the month of July 2015 – 2,088,000 gallons of recycled water was given away. This past month, residents hauled away an extra 1.5 million gallons, bringing their monthly take home to 3,653,000 gallons an increase of 74% year over year.

Totals given away are up to 26,358,000 to 1772 registered users.

Delta Diablo

Delta Diablo fill station

Delta Diablo fill station

Delta Diablo opened their residential recycled water fill station on Saturday July 11, 2015 and in the first 3 weekends the program was open, albeit two days a week, 234 registered users took home 173,671 gallons.

This year, 495,000 gallons were hauled away and 21 new users signed up for the program.

To date, Delta Diablo has given away 3,234,000 gallons to 455 registered users. Delta Diablo annually provides over 2 Billion gallons of recycled water for industrial, municipal, commercial and residential user in East Contra Costa.

Until next month, keep hauling my friends. Follow us on Twitter and/or like us on Facebook. We’ll keep you entertained. 🙂
