Quite the excitement at RecycledH2O since the last content roll-up. Between being interviewed by the California Water Environment Association and ending up being quoted in an article in the Huffington Post, I’d say this year is off to a great start.
El Niño & rain were common themes in these articles. Honestly, rain is the most pristine form of recycled water. Below is a quick wrap up of articles published in December 2015 and January 2016, including top Twitter and Facebook posts.
Clear Leaves from Storm Drains – Yes that means you! You have the right and the ability to clear leaves from storm drains to reduce flooding. It not only helps your community, but aides your local agency responsible in the thousands of storm drains in the service area.
- Welcome to 2016 @ RecycledH2O – a short follow-up after the long holiday season. We’re still here, just getting our ducks in order.
- Recycled Water Fill Station Stats – December 2015 – Usage of recycled water fill stations by residents has slowed in northern California, but activity in southern California has picked up, as made apparent by the stats collected.
- DIY Solution to Ponding Water – Visited The Ruth Bancroft Garden, a local community garden, and learned how they deal with ponding water on their property. The issue is during heavy rainstorms water can’t percolate through the hardpan fast enough. They built percolation basins and help redirect the water into the ground and recharge the water table. Youtube video included of the basin in action!
- Recycled Water in the Vegetable Garden – Followed up with recycled water hauler Bret G about his experience using recycled water in his vegetable garden. Plants grew bigger, faster and fruit was better tasting than anything from a store or farmers market. Bret plans to irrigate his vegetable garden again this year with recycled water.
Twitter – Stats – @RecycledH20
Top Tweet –
Need some help with #ElNino2016 rain? https://t.co/l65hTMis12 pic.twitter.com/L5okurfRcn
— Recycled H2O (@recycledh20) January 16, 2016
Facebook – Stats – fb.com/RecycledH2O
Top Post –
“Residents in California had no idea where their wastewater goes after they use it once,” Hansen said in an interview with the California Water Environment Association. “Now they’re beginning to understand and this new engagement has been the biggest this industry has seen since the advent of the Clean Water Act.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/2015-water-recycling_us_56a…
Posted by RecycledH2O on Friday, January 22, 2016
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