Source: RecycledH2O Fill Station Tracker
Despite receiving more than 13″ of rain in March 2016, the top 3 Residential Recycled Water Fill Stations in Northern California gave away a combined total volume of 355,308 gallons of recycled water to residential customers. Per SWRCB permit requirements, recycled water can not be distributed while it is raining.
When compared to last year, the residential recycled water fill station at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) was still in its infancy. They had 39 registered users and gave away 16,103 gallons. Today, they have over 2100 registered users and have given away more than 11.8 million gallons of water.
In March 2015, City of Brentwood’s Recycled Water Fill Station was only a dream on the horizon. The fill station opened in June 2015.
Since its inception, City of Brentwood has been stiff competition (if this was a game) for fill station program creators Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) in terms of total volume given away. City of Brentwood has less than half as many registered users and has given away slightly less than half as much water, since program inception. By comparison to CCCSD, City of Brentwood passed the 11.8 million gallon giveaway mark in September 2015.
This is not the first time this year that the City of Brentwood has given away more water than DSRSD, they did so in January and February as well.
Longer Hours of Operation
How is this possible? Easy.
City of Brentwood is open more often. During March, they were open 3 days a week for 10 hours a day. On April 1st, they added an extra day of operation which greatly increased their fill station activity.
DSRSD on the other hand was only open 2 days a week, Wednesday and Sunday for 6 hours a day – albeit during normal work hours for the general public. They also added an extra day, opening Saturday’s beginning with April 9th, 2016.
But opening more days doesn’t mean more activity. CCCSD is open Monday to Saturday – 9:00AM to 4:00PM (same hours as their Household Hazardous Waste receiving facility) and their usage was low compared to the other two. What gives?
We would need to see fill station activity on a daily basis to determine whether there is a correlation to hours open during the weekday versus weekend has an impact on volume given away. During the summer months when kids are out of school we’ll know this won’t really matter.
De Ja Vu
However, when comparing total data between these top 3 powerhouse fill stations, we’ll find an interesting trend. See below.
![]() Data Source: DSRSD |
Given the new water conservation standards for 2016 as published by the State Water Board this morning & effective March 1, 2016, we find residents in City of Brentwood need to still reduce more than a quarter of their at home water use. The best way to do that and keep landscapes alive is to haul recycled water.

Urban Water Supplier Conservation Standard for Extended Emergency Regulation Rulemaking – 2016 Source: waterboards.ca.gov
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