Month: May 2015 (Page 2 of 2)

What impact does RecycledH2O have on plants in the garden?

What is in recycled water?

The process to create recycled water begins at the end of a wastewater treatment plant. Think of its source as water suitable for the receiving waterway. Depending on how it’s treated – recycled water will be dosed with some Sodium Hypochlorite (NaCl) [I’ll call it Chlorine] – used as a disinfectant.

The recycled water permit issued by the state dictates how much residual Chlorine is in the water – Title 22 is that permit if you want some bedtime reading –

At every recycled water treatment facility, they are required continually test their recycled water Chlorine residual levels 24 hours a day and store the results.

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Adventures at CCCSD Residential Fill Station

Earlier this week I posted Step-by-Step – Getting and Unloading RecycledH2O from CCCSD Residential Fill Station. This is a follow-up in regards to the Adventures at CCCSD Residential Fill Station.

When the fill station first opened in November 2014, they didn’t have much activity. In December it rained cats and dogs and flooded parts of Sausalito. Same for January. Soon word got out and the onslaught of Free Recycled Water hungry residents descended on the Residential Fill Station at CCCSD in Martinez. CentralSan had a need to promote their fill station – its usage is apart of their 2014-2016 Strategic Plan.

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